Mike Dunn ‘God Made Me Phunky’ | The Making Of A House Classic (DJ Mag)

By |2025-03-19T19:00:54-05:00March 19th, 2025|Chicago, Classics, Dance Music, DJ, DJ Mag, House, House Music, House Music History, producer|

  To celebrate 40 years of house music, we joined Mike Dunn at Chicago's ARC Music Festival and dived into the story behind his house anthem, ‘God Made Me Phunky’ https://youtu.be/-c9T7vWJN0Q?si=B_gRK_48gkSekpmz Mike Dunn shares the story behind the making of his house classic, 'God Made Me Phunky'. Released in 1994, Dunn explains how the track [...]

Mike Dunn relaunches influential Dance Mutha label after three decades (DJ Mag)

By |2024-06-28T22:30:20-05:00June 28th, 2024|African American, Announcements, Chicago, Classics, Clubs - Nightlife, Dance Music, DJ, DJ Mag, electronic music, Entertaiment, House, House Music, House Music History, Music News|

  The label will release a new three-track EP in July Legendary Chicago house artist Mike Dunn has announced he will relaunch his influential Danca Mutha imprint after three decades.   Founded by Dunn back in 1988, the label released music by artists such as MD Connection, Gershon Jackson, and I-ROC-T. Dunn also co-founded seminal [...]

The Chosen Few have cracked the code for the perfect Chicago music festival (Chicago Reader)

By |2023-07-01T18:02:27-05:00July 1st, 2023|Chicago, Chicago House Music Festival, Dance Music, DJ, House, House Music, Promotional|

  Chicagoans rarely suffer from a shortage of music festivals, but few such events make me feel like I’m participating in the city’s cultural fabric like the Chosen Few Picnic. The long-running house-music celebration began informally in 1990, and its roots extend even further back. Wayne Williams founded the Chosen Few DJ collective in 1977 [...]

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