Music Downloads Are Officially Dying – Why This Is A Good Thing For DJs (Digital Dj Tips)

By |2018-07-26T16:21:54-05:00May 23rd, 2018|Digital Dj Tips, Music News, My House Radio, Phil Morse|

  Phil Morse May 15, 2018 | Read time: 3 mins Forbes reports today that interactive streaming music services – Spotify, Apple Music, Napster, Deezer, Tidal and so on — now account for the majority of recorded music industry revenue and are growing at better than 50% per year. The numbers, they report, say that the download [...]

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Learn From The Greats How To Deconstruct DJ Mixes

By |2018-07-26T16:21:55-05:00May 18th, 2018|Digital Dj Tips, DJ, My House Radio, Tips|

We show you how to pick apart a DJ mix so you can learn new tips and tricks that you can add to your DJ toolbox. 17 MAY, 2018  We’ve written previously on how copying other DJs can unlock your own creativity but what we haven’t dived into is how you’re meant to go about [...]

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Future of KRK & Stanton In Doubt As Parent Company Goes Bankrupt (Digital Dj TIps)

By |2018-07-26T16:21:55-05:00May 12th, 2018|Digital Dj Tips, DJ Equipment Tools Software, Music News, news|

KRK's iconic speakers might well survive, but it's harder to see Stanton soldiering on after the Gibson's bankruptcy filing. Phil Morse May 6, 2018 | Read time: 1 min bankrupt Gibson krk Prostanton Hot on the heels of Shure announcing the end of its DJ phono range, it looks like another big name for scratch DJs, Stanton, is also on the [...]

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Friday Five: “It’s Important To Take Your Technique To The Next Level” – Danny Avila (Digital Dj Tips)

By |2018-07-26T16:21:56-05:00May 10th, 2018|advice, Digital Dj Tips, DJ, Joey Santos, Tips|

DJ/producer Danny Avila shares his tips and tricks for playing festivals, preparing for shows and what's needed in order to stand out in today's crowded DJ space.   In this week’s Friday Five, we’re leading with an interview from Music Radar with superstar DJ/producer Danny Avila on his tips and tricks for becoming a world-class [...]

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How To Avoid Ever Panicking About What To Play Next At A DJ Gig (Digital Dj Tips)

By |2018-07-26T16:21:57-05:00May 2nd, 2018|advice, Digital Dj Tips, My House Radio, Tips|

LAST UPDATED 2 MAY, 2018 Most of us have been there at one point or another… 10 seconds left to play on a track in front of a packed dancefloor, and nothing lined up on the other deck! We may just have failed to find something we want, or got carried away chatting – but [...]

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Your Questions: Is Using Sync When Making A Mixtape Cheating? (Digital Dj Tips)

By |2018-07-26T16:21:57-05:00April 29th, 2018|advice, Digital Dj Tips, Joey Santos, mistakes, My House Radio, Uncategorized|

Digital DJ Tips reader Sam asks: “When I DJ, I take pride in being able to beatmatch manually. However, when listening to professional, pre-recorded mixes online they always sound absolutely spot on. I feel that during a performance tiny mistakes add to the ‘live feel’, but when doing a mix recording it should sound absolutely perfect. “I’ve [...]

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Zero To Hero, Part 11: Why Old School Networking Is A Killer Trick for Smart DJs (Digital Dj Tips)

By |2018-07-26T16:21:58-05:00April 12th, 2018|advice, Digital Dj Tips, DJ, Joey Santos, producer|

There's great value in meeting new people and talking to them face to face, especially in today's social media-driven world of faceless private messages. So far we’ve covered a huge variety of techniques and tips to jumpstart your DJ/producer career and being getting noticed. In the first part of this series you built micro [...]

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Zero To Hero, Part 10: How To Turn Your Mixtapes Into A DJ/Producer Podcast (Digital Dj Tips)

By |2018-07-26T16:21:59-05:00April 5th, 2018|Digital Dj Tips, DJ, Entertaiment, Joey Santos, My House Radio, Tips|

      We’re almost done with our 12-part DJ/producer success series: We showed you how to build micro income streams, how to get noticed by creating solid content, and how to develop an overall aesthetic and “look” for your brand. We also talked about how to crush it on social media by leveraging Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and keeping your fans happy, along with [...]

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Zero To Hero, Part Eight: How To Keep Your Fans Happy (Digital Dj Tips)

By |2018-07-26T16:22:00-05:00March 27th, 2018|advice, Digital Dj Tips, My House Radio, producer, Tips|

DJ Khaled and his fans. The way you handle your fans online as well as offline will have a huge influence on the speed at which you grow your influence as a DJ/producer.   This week in our in-depth series about getting noticed as a DJ, we’ll tie branding, content, and social media [...]

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TUTORIALS: GETTING SUCCESS Zero To Hero, Part Seven: Getting Started On YouTube (Digital DJ Tips)

By |2018-07-26T16:22:01-05:00March 23rd, 2018|advice, Digital Dj Tips, DJ, Entertaiment, Tips, Videos|

The first segment in our 12-part series on DJ/producer success talked you through building micro income streams, getting noticed with your killer content, and honing a unique aesthetic. In the social media space, we’ve discussed creating and maintaining high-quality Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages. We aren’t finished with social media just yet, as YouTube deserves a turn. Why should you be on YouTube? [...]

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